Feilden+Mawson were commissioned by Old Sarum Airfield Ltd to produce a masterplan and a Conservation Management Plan for Old Sarum Airfield, a WWI airfield which was designated as a conservation area.
Located within the Old Sarum Conservation Area, Feilden+Mawson’s mixed-use masterplan aims to introduce circa 315 dwellings on parts of the airfield not required for flying activity, refurbishment of Grade II* Listed Hangars and new aviation facilities including control tower, restaurant, and museum to provide a long-term plan for the airfield and create a dynamic 21st-century flying hub, positioning it as a destination for flying enthusiasts.
Feilden+Mawson approached the planning of this masterplan with sensitivity, utilising historic analysis, character appraisals and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) views to propose residential development on two areas of the airfield that are unsuitable for airfield activities. Whilst also preserving the character of the airfield and the openness of the landscape flying strip when observed from the adjacent Roman Hill Fort and Scheduled Monument.