Forming part of a wider development in the area, the retirement village by Castlemeadow Care will provide exemplar living and care facilities for residents and the wider community.
Care and communal facilities are arranged through a central ‘street’ that leads to 3 clusters of sleeping accommodation. This layout has been designed to minimise long corridors and the resulting institutional effect they have as well as enabling ‘lockdown’ of houses to ease the management of infection control in response to the pandemic.
The aim is to provide 100 extra-care apartments with high quality communal brasseries, salons and health suites which will sit alongside a 54 bed elderly and dementia care home. On-site staff training and accommodation facilites will also created to bring highly qualified care staff into the care profession.
The care home forms Phase 1 of the development and has been submitted as a detailed application. The Hybrid planning consent (full consent for care home and outline consent for retirement living apartments and admin building) received unanimous support at the planning committee meeting.