Colville Road, Cambridge
Phase 2 of this development, which was completed in December 2022, demolished the existing flat blocks to make way for 69 new-build council rent apartments including 4 wheelchair and 4 houses. The flats themselves aim to have a positive effect on health due the thermal properties and MVHR ventilation systems. PV panels have also been included on the roof, providing renewable energy. Green roofs have been used and the landscaping much improved from the previous site layout to provide biodiversity net gain holistically on site.
Phase 3 is currently on site, comprising of 45 new-build affordable apartments including 2 wheelchair units plus three houses. This also includes sustainability with inclusion of MVHR, underfloor heating, and inverted green roof with PV panels.
The project has recently received the LABC ‘the Bricks’ Site Recognition Award, and we are looking forward to seeing this project continue to develop!